Daniel: I love that! I will post that link on the blog! So, would you say your main purpose is really just convey that to your spectators, even when there aren't words? That we're all connected in some way or another?
Robert: Yes, and more. Not only are we all connected, we’re purposefully connected. Sometimes my motivation is just to have a smile with a stranger. It’s not only for them, but for me. What’s been on my mind recently is this, “What can I do to offer a bigger piece of me into this stranger?” I haven’t figured it out yet, but I’m not too concerned. I believe it will manifest itself during an interaction. I just hope I have the presence of mind to photograph it.
Daniel: I’m sure you will through your journey forward and I think you have done so well with it so far! I know you get some inspiration from your father who I’m sure is in the back of your head when you’re shooting, but who else inspires your work? Other artists, things, people?
Robert: Honestly, it’s a lot that inspire me. I’m a musician and I’ve found that musical arrangements can be as complex as an Alex Webb photograph. Both inspire me. The sunlight reflecting off a building can make me jump out my car and chase it for 3 hours. Portraits from Yousef Karsh and Avedon, landscape work from Ansel Adams, cinematic photographs from Gregory Crewdson, photojournalism from Doug Mills and Pete Souza. it’s all inspiring.
Daniel: That’s really beautiful that inspirations can be found from a variety of places! It's wild the many different things that inspire creatives. I want to talk about your marketing strategy when putting yourself out there, what tools are you using that seem to work the best?
Robert: I think what’s working best for me is Instagram. It’s a natural fit for what I like to do. I have to be inspired to write, so my blog doesn’t get as much attention. However, Instagram is designed to promote the image first which fits how I like to communicate. Thankfully, through that medium I’ve been invited to give presentations to local photography clubs, I’ve booked weddings and commercial gigs through Instagram.